Happy Feet Podiatry

Frequently Asked Questions|
Happy Feet Podiatry

A referral is not required to see a Podiatrist as a private patient.

Veterans affairs (DVA) and Medicare (TCA or EPC) patients do require a referral from your GP.

Yes, we have HICAPS claims on the spot for private health insurance. We service all private health funds.

Yes, we have wheelchair access via our front door and disabled parking is just a few meters away on Watkins St

We do not have on-site parking for patients, however parking is mostly 1 hour across the road, so there is always something available.

If you are attending for foot pain then you will receive a biomechanical assessment for your initial appointment. Please wear either shorts or pants that can be easily rolled up so we can assess from your knees down. Also bring the shoes you wear most usually 3 pairs is enough to assess you.

We are a popular clinic and often have waiting lists so please give us at least 24 hours notice of a cancellation. A 100% cancellation fee will be charged for non attendance or last minute cancellation. We appreciate a phone call in these circumstances 0n 49636200.

Initial appointment 30 minutes General Podiatry $110

Initial appointment 30 minutes Foot Pain Biomechanical Assessment $159

Subsequent appointment returning patient $83 20-30 minutes

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